Satoh Katoh - SHOTA x MONSTERS Version 1.41.10 (eng)

Category: Porn Games
Artist: Satoh Katoh
Size: 657 Mb.
Downloads: 2 956
Comments: 0
Date: 25-03-2020, 21:04
Artist: Satoh Katoh
Size: 657 Mb.
Downloads: 2 956
Comments: 0
Date: 25-03-2020, 21:04
* May 28th 2017 - Updated to English Translated Version!
September 27th 2019 - updated to version 1.41.10.
September 22th 2019 - updated to version 1.40.00.
September 7th 2017 - Chinese language has been added.
Now you can switch English, Japanese, Chinese(Simplified), Chinese(Traditional) in the game setting.
* Please play the trial version to confirm compatibility.
* Save data can be transferred from the trial to the full game.
* Recommend purchase with DLsite account for updates.
* Version 1.41.10
Lost in a mysterious world, the protagonist
recruits cute monsters and navigates to the deepest part of a maze,
also sleeping with the innkeep, grocer and spellcaster too.
Town & dungeon exploration gameplay.
Gamelike challenge with game over situations. Saving is possible in town only.
Choose from 3 difficulty levels to suit your desired challenge.
* Damage system with 2 stages of clothing destruction
* 103 original monsters to befriend
* Dress (or undress) the protagonist in 52 outfits, 131 underwears
* Choose from 3 main characters, unlocking ecchi scenes as you clear classes
* There are ecchi scenes during dungeon exploration too
* Gallery mode is built in. Any scene or CG you see once is available anytime
30 base CGs (105 total incl. variations)
Created with RPG TKool VX Ace
Please submit questions, bug reports and thoughts via the BB:
September 27th 2019 - updated to version 1.41.10.
September 22th 2019 - updated to version 1.40.00.
September 7th 2017 - Chinese language has been added.
Now you can switch English, Japanese, Chinese(Simplified), Chinese(Traditional) in the game setting.
* Please play the trial version to confirm compatibility.
* Save data can be transferred from the trial to the full game.
* Recommend purchase with DLsite account for updates.
* Version 1.41.10
Lost in a mysterious world, the protagonist
recruits cute monsters and navigates to the deepest part of a maze,
also sleeping with the innkeep, grocer and spellcaster too.
Town & dungeon exploration gameplay.
Gamelike challenge with game over situations. Saving is possible in town only.
Choose from 3 difficulty levels to suit your desired challenge.
* Damage system with 2 stages of clothing destruction
* 103 original monsters to befriend
* Dress (or undress) the protagonist in 52 outfits, 131 underwears
* Choose from 3 main characters, unlocking ecchi scenes as you clear classes
* There are ecchi scenes during dungeon exploration too
* Gallery mode is built in. Any scene or CG you see once is available anytime
30 base CGs (105 total incl. variations)
Created with RPG TKool VX Ace
Please submit questions, bug reports and thoughts via the BB:
!!Spoiler Alert!!
☆ Bug Fixes
・Fixed a bug where some of the scenes weren't displayed in the gallery cg list.
☆ Balance Adjustments
・Some minor balance changes for a few enemies.
☆ Added
・ A new game mode, “Capricious Mode” has been added.
⇒ If there is saved data and clear data that have cleared the extra dungeon, you can select it on the data transfer screen.
⇒ “Capricious Mode” is a special game mode gives you 6 new random monsters in each Stratum.
・ Special Battles for Odin and Craith have been added.
(These are high difficulty battle for players who have mastered the game.)
⇒ Odin: With Odin defeated + Extra Dungeon cleared, you can challenge him in his usual place.
⇒ Craith: Unlock a certain character's route by beating the game, win with that route, and beat the extra dungeon. Access the battle from the left side of the gate.
・ Two costumes have been added.
・Added a legendary weapon and four legendary armors.
・ One new skill has been added to Prince Slime and Rafflesia.
・ New passive skills have been added to the elemental monsters.
(To reflect the new skill in an existing save, please stay with the monster once in the inn.)
・A total of 10 bonus event scenes have been added.
⇒Stay at an inn with a party of certain monsters at max affection to see them.
The following monster combinations trigger the events: (1-8 are prior additions)
1: Bee Fighter, Honey Bee, Spark Bee
2: Slime, Poison Slime, Prince Slime
3: Werewolf
4: Jack-O'Lantern, Ghost, Vampire
5: King Parfait, Ice Swordsman
6: Killer Bunny, Killer Mantis
7: Coffee Sugar
8: Once you reach the 4th Stratum, if Watt is not at his shop, look in his tent.
New additions:
9: Ninja
10: Candy Shooter, Candy Hammer
11: Odin
12: Forest Bear, Red Knight, Nebiros
13: Spirit Prankster, Nine-tailed Fox
14: Yojimbo, Zashiki Warashi, Shogun
15: Goblin Fighter, Goblin Shaman, Goblin Leader
16: Killer Bunny
17: Red Dragon
18: Stay at the inn with all four main characters cleared.
・ Items not registered in your Item Library will now show recommendation marks in Watt's store.
☆ Bug Fixes
・Fixed a bug where the 104th silhouette was displayed in the ending scene.
・Fixed a bug where the character's facial expression did not change in the conversation scene.
・Fixed a bug that caused an error when defeating an enemy using the magic of a random continuous target in double casting.
・Fixed the Blue Knight's "Ice Explosion" not having an ice attribute.
・Fixed the lightning attribute not being attached to ”Accumulator” of Blue Oni.
・Fixed the effect of the Demon's "Ultra dark boost" effect being low.
・Some typos and other errors have been corrected.
☆ Balance Adjustments
・Multi Attack rate now increases when equipped with fist weapons.
・Element enchant spells like "Fire Weapon", now they give corresponding element boost by 10%
・The effect of Dark Knight's "Dark Spirit Possession" is now 3 turns, and a darkness boost has been added.
・Speed addition 50 has been added to Dark Knight's Dark Raid.
・The recovery amount of Dark Knight's "Soul Convert" has been increased, and MP recovery effect has been added.
・Warrior's "Giga Smash" TP gain has increased.
・A lightning boost has been added to Blue Oni's "Accumlator".
・The power of Blue Oni's ”Strong Punch” increased.
・Lion Dancer's "Consume Evil" damage has decreased.
・Ice boost has been added to Blue Knight's "Ice Explosion".
・Coffee Sugar's ”Over Regen” is now an Immediate skill.
・Weapon attribute has been added to Demon Slime's "Blood Rain".
・Demon Slime's "Blood Siphon" damage has been reduced.
・The effect of Blood Slime's "Bloody Drive" has been adjusted.
・Karakasa's "Umbrella Cover" became an Immediate skill, MP consumption increased.
・Prodigy's "Payback" MP consumption has been decreased.
・Speed addition -300 has been added to Prodigy's ”Poison Candy”.
・The power of Snow Wolf's ”Cocytus Breath” has increased, TP gain has increased, and MP Consumption has increased a little.
・The TP gained from Plant Archer's "Bazooka Shot" has increased.
・The Charge gain rate on Plant Archer's "Charge Shot" has increased.
・The MP cost of Wild Orc's "BBQ Festival" has decreased.
・The effect of Slime Prince's ”Enchanting Slime” is now 8 turns, with a 10% slash,blunt,pierce boost.
・The ice boost of "Ice Charge" is now 115%.
・The target of Battle Ant's "Drill Dasher" has been changed from a random enemy to 2 random enemies.
・”Photosynthesis” effect of plant monsters has been increased from 20% to 25%.
・The performance of ”Mail of Reflection” has been revised upward.
・TP regeneration effect has been added to Stardust Armor.
・Mimic (Nauta's)’s ”Rainbow Candy” effect has been adjusted.
・The consumption MP of "First Aid Spray" of Mimic(Nauta) increased.
・Fire, Lighning, and Dark boosts have been added to the effect of Baphomet's "Black Magic".
・Belphegor can equip magic clothes.
・The staff requirement has been removed from Belphegor's burst magic and the calculation formula has been changed.
・The power of Odin's "Ragnarok" has been increased, and Fire, Ice, Dark, and Light attributes have been added.
・The effect of Angel's "Shield Up" has been changed.
・The power of Angel's "Saint Break" has been revised upward.
・The power and effect of Principality's "Accel Spin" have been changed.
・The power and effect of Principality's "Saint Cross" has been adjusted.
・The power of Spark Bee's "Spark Finish" has been adjusted.
・The effect of Red Knight's "Burst Shield" has been adjusted.
・"Statis" of the Blue Mage has become the fastest action.
・The power of "Death Nova" and "Requiem" has been adjusted.
☆ Changes:
・Messages will now display correctly when staying at the inn with a Human Mimic.
・When you clear the extra dungeon,
a bug that overwrote the tag of special battle cleared in the savedata has been fixed.
・Typos in equipment, skills, dialog, and icons are fixed.
☆ Changes:
・Fixed a bug that prevented getting the Rainbow Heart from a monster whose affinity was at MAX.
☆ New Additions:
・7 new scenes were added for losing a battle to a boss!
⇒ They are shown if you lose the fight, and they appear in the gallery even if you win.
(You can change whether to see the loss event in the config)
・8 new bonus event scenes have been added!
⇒ See them by staying at the inn with certain monsters at max affinity.
These are the combinations required to see the scenes:
1: Bee Fighter, Honey Bee, Spark Bee
2: Slime, Poison Slime, Prince Slime
3: Werewolf
4: Jack‐O'Lantern, Ghost, Vampire
5: King Parfait, Ice Sword
6: Killer Bunny, Killer Mantis
7: Coffee Sugar
The 8th scene is not in the inn, but appears if you leave and enter town after getting to 4th Stratum (or higher).
Sometimes Watt isn't manning his shop, and you can see the scene if you check his tent.
・Make friends with monsters that mimic Ast, Nauta, Craith, and Watts.
⇒ If you meet certain conditions (their ending scenes are unlocked) they will appear in Star Medal Hall.
※ Affinity is MAX from the start, they won't grant the Rainbow Heart, and you have to add them again each time you start newgame+.
・The 3rd and 4th stratum each have a new Legendary Weapon to find!
☆ Changes:
・Alarm Earrings now work correctly when equipped to sub members.
・The skill "Accumulator" now works as intended, and MP cost has been adjusted.
☆ Balance Changes:
・Adjusted physical resistance when using Melon Float, and added ice resistance.
・Thunder Fist, Sky Throw, Holy Light Punch are now Multi-hit, and their power is adjusted.
・Sway and Photon Sway now last two turns.
・Fire Trick and Dark Trick's Fire boost, Dark boost are now Ultra Fire Boost, Ultra Dark Boost.
・Adjusted the power of Whirlwind.
・Magic Defence Up effect was added to Umbrella Cover.
・Adjusted the power of Air Raid.
・Adjusted the power of Deadly Claw.
・The power of Berserk when Unchained was adjusted.
・Light attribute was added to Lucky Mallet.
・Light Attribute was added to Majin Gáe Bulg.
・Red Joker performance has been adjusted.
・Eckesachs performance has been adjusted.
☆ Several typos were corrected.
☆ Bug Fixes
・Fixed a bug where some of the scenes weren't displayed in the gallery cg list.
☆ Balance Adjustments
・Some minor balance changes for a few enemies.
☆ Added
・ A new game mode, “Capricious Mode” has been added.
⇒ If there is saved data and clear data that have cleared the extra dungeon, you can select it on the data transfer screen.
⇒ “Capricious Mode” is a special game mode gives you 6 new random monsters in each Stratum.
・ Special Battles for Odin and Craith have been added.
(These are high difficulty battle for players who have mastered the game.)
⇒ Odin: With Odin defeated + Extra Dungeon cleared, you can challenge him in his usual place.
⇒ Craith: Unlock a certain character's route by beating the game, win with that route, and beat the extra dungeon. Access the battle from the left side of the gate.
・ Two costumes have been added.
・Added a legendary weapon and four legendary armors.
・ One new skill has been added to Prince Slime and Rafflesia.
・ New passive skills have been added to the elemental monsters.
(To reflect the new skill in an existing save, please stay with the monster once in the inn.)
・A total of 10 bonus event scenes have been added.
⇒Stay at an inn with a party of certain monsters at max affection to see them.
The following monster combinations trigger the events: (1-8 are prior additions)
1: Bee Fighter, Honey Bee, Spark Bee
2: Slime, Poison Slime, Prince Slime
3: Werewolf
4: Jack-O'Lantern, Ghost, Vampire
5: King Parfait, Ice Swordsman
6: Killer Bunny, Killer Mantis
7: Coffee Sugar
8: Once you reach the 4th Stratum, if Watt is not at his shop, look in his tent.
New additions:
9: Ninja
10: Candy Shooter, Candy Hammer
11: Odin
12: Forest Bear, Red Knight, Nebiros
13: Spirit Prankster, Nine-tailed Fox
14: Yojimbo, Zashiki Warashi, Shogun
15: Goblin Fighter, Goblin Shaman, Goblin Leader
16: Killer Bunny
17: Red Dragon
18: Stay at the inn with all four main characters cleared.
・ Items not registered in your Item Library will now show recommendation marks in Watt's store.
☆ Bug Fixes
・Fixed a bug where the 104th silhouette was displayed in the ending scene.
・Fixed a bug where the character's facial expression did not change in the conversation scene.
・Fixed a bug that caused an error when defeating an enemy using the magic of a random continuous target in double casting.
・Fixed the Blue Knight's "Ice Explosion" not having an ice attribute.
・Fixed the lightning attribute not being attached to ”Accumulator” of Blue Oni.
・Fixed the effect of the Demon's "Ultra dark boost" effect being low.
・Some typos and other errors have been corrected.
☆ Balance Adjustments
・Multi Attack rate now increases when equipped with fist weapons.
・Element enchant spells like "Fire Weapon", now they give corresponding element boost by 10%
・The effect of Dark Knight's "Dark Spirit Possession" is now 3 turns, and a darkness boost has been added.
・Speed addition 50 has been added to Dark Knight's Dark Raid.
・The recovery amount of Dark Knight's "Soul Convert" has been increased, and MP recovery effect has been added.
・Warrior's "Giga Smash" TP gain has increased.
・A lightning boost has been added to Blue Oni's "Accumlator".
・The power of Blue Oni's ”Strong Punch” increased.
・Lion Dancer's "Consume Evil" damage has decreased.
・Ice boost has been added to Blue Knight's "Ice Explosion".
・Coffee Sugar's ”Over Regen” is now an Immediate skill.
・Weapon attribute has been added to Demon Slime's "Blood Rain".
・Demon Slime's "Blood Siphon" damage has been reduced.
・The effect of Blood Slime's "Bloody Drive" has been adjusted.
・Karakasa's "Umbrella Cover" became an Immediate skill, MP consumption increased.
・Prodigy's "Payback" MP consumption has been decreased.
・Speed addition -300 has been added to Prodigy's ”Poison Candy”.
・The power of Snow Wolf's ”Cocytus Breath” has increased, TP gain has increased, and MP Consumption has increased a little.
・The TP gained from Plant Archer's "Bazooka Shot" has increased.
・The Charge gain rate on Plant Archer's "Charge Shot" has increased.
・The MP cost of Wild Orc's "BBQ Festival" has decreased.
・The effect of Slime Prince's ”Enchanting Slime” is now 8 turns, with a 10% slash,blunt,pierce boost.
・The ice boost of "Ice Charge" is now 115%.
・The target of Battle Ant's "Drill Dasher" has been changed from a random enemy to 2 random enemies.
・”Photosynthesis” effect of plant monsters has been increased from 20% to 25%.
・The performance of ”Mail of Reflection” has been revised upward.
・TP regeneration effect has been added to Stardust Armor.
・Mimic (Nauta's)’s ”Rainbow Candy” effect has been adjusted.
・The consumption MP of "First Aid Spray" of Mimic(Nauta) increased.
・Fire, Lighning, and Dark boosts have been added to the effect of Baphomet's "Black Magic".
・Belphegor can equip magic clothes.
・The staff requirement has been removed from Belphegor's burst magic and the calculation formula has been changed.
・The power of Odin's "Ragnarok" has been increased, and Fire, Ice, Dark, and Light attributes have been added.
・The effect of Angel's "Shield Up" has been changed.
・The power of Angel's "Saint Break" has been revised upward.
・The power and effect of Principality's "Accel Spin" have been changed.
・The power and effect of Principality's "Saint Cross" has been adjusted.
・The power of Spark Bee's "Spark Finish" has been adjusted.
・The effect of Red Knight's "Burst Shield" has been adjusted.
・"Statis" of the Blue Mage has become the fastest action.
・The power of "Death Nova" and "Requiem" has been adjusted.
☆ Changes:
・Messages will now display correctly when staying at the inn with a Human Mimic.
・When you clear the extra dungeon,
a bug that overwrote the tag of special battle cleared in the savedata has been fixed.
・Typos in equipment, skills, dialog, and icons are fixed.
☆ Changes:
・Fixed a bug that prevented getting the Rainbow Heart from a monster whose affinity was at MAX.
☆ New Additions:
・7 new scenes were added for losing a battle to a boss!
⇒ They are shown if you lose the fight, and they appear in the gallery even if you win.
(You can change whether to see the loss event in the config)
・8 new bonus event scenes have been added!
⇒ See them by staying at the inn with certain monsters at max affinity.
These are the combinations required to see the scenes:
1: Bee Fighter, Honey Bee, Spark Bee
2: Slime, Poison Slime, Prince Slime
3: Werewolf
4: Jack‐O'Lantern, Ghost, Vampire
5: King Parfait, Ice Sword
6: Killer Bunny, Killer Mantis
7: Coffee Sugar
The 8th scene is not in the inn, but appears if you leave and enter town after getting to 4th Stratum (or higher).
Sometimes Watt isn't manning his shop, and you can see the scene if you check his tent.
・Make friends with monsters that mimic Ast, Nauta, Craith, and Watts.
⇒ If you meet certain conditions (their ending scenes are unlocked) they will appear in Star Medal Hall.
※ Affinity is MAX from the start, they won't grant the Rainbow Heart, and you have to add them again each time you start newgame+.
・The 3rd and 4th stratum each have a new Legendary Weapon to find!
☆ Changes:
・Alarm Earrings now work correctly when equipped to sub members.
・The skill "Accumulator" now works as intended, and MP cost has been adjusted.
☆ Balance Changes:
・Adjusted physical resistance when using Melon Float, and added ice resistance.
・Thunder Fist, Sky Throw, Holy Light Punch are now Multi-hit, and their power is adjusted.
・Sway and Photon Sway now last two turns.
・Fire Trick and Dark Trick's Fire boost, Dark boost are now Ultra Fire Boost, Ultra Dark Boost.
・Adjusted the power of Whirlwind.
・Magic Defence Up effect was added to Umbrella Cover.
・Adjusted the power of Air Raid.
・Adjusted the power of Deadly Claw.
・The power of Berserk when Unchained was adjusted.
・Light attribute was added to Lucky Mallet.
・Light Attribute was added to Majin Gáe Bulg.
・Red Joker performance has been adjusted.
・Eckesachs performance has been adjusted.
☆ Several typos were corrected.
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