This is it! The nal build of In nity Crisis! Test it out and let us know what you think and if you found
any bugs or mistakes then please let us know! We're going to be putting this out for sale in a
couple weeks along with the pin ups! Thank you all for your support and we hope you stick around
as we get started on Goddess Realm with Vanheist as our new artist!
In nity Crisis v1.0 Changelog (7/25/19)
-Added endings for Amalgama, Justice League, and Suicide Squad.
-Due to the UI theme changing, saves older than 1.0 are no longer compatible. If you would like to
quickly reach the area of the game you were previously at, you can utilize the skip feature (hold ctrl
or click the skip button).
-Fixed bug where She Hulk was used as the name for one of Captain Marvel's lines.
-Fixed Moonstone ying sex images' hair.
-Fixed opacity issue on some images.
-New opening screen with Sexyverse Games logo.