What would happen if a person suddenly started hearing thoughts, influencing minds and seeing things they shouldn't be able to see? How would one react to these unexpected and quite handy powers? Learning to control it, corrupting everyone they see, world dominance or maybe... It's up to you to decide what happens. One thing is clear - this town holds a lot of secrets and you've got just the right set of tools to unveil them.
What's new:
300 new renders
2 new types of activities: training power, job
2 new locations: cafe and park. Both are available for training, one of them is available for a job.
New type: mini-events: ranging from 1 picture and several lines to 20-25 pictures and 100+ lines. They happen during new activities, some of them are chained together, some are solo.
50 new mini-events
Various additions: day/night cycle, several stats for MC(not all are used at the moment), MC's power is not a 100% hit anymore, chance depends on power level, stats of the character MC is trying to affect(hidden for now, several systems allowing changing them will come shortly) and other factors. Added support for saves for future versions starting from 0.03. Added full screen button to options in the main menu.
Side-stories editor. You can write your own short story with it and send the XML file to me, I'll animate it and add to the game into a special gallery crediting you. Be warned, it wasn't created with intuitive interface in mind. I did some hints and improvements but it has still a long way to go. If people will be interested in it - I'll spend more time making it comfortable to use.