General info : you move to a new appartment and your roomates share the same taste as you. You will make choices who influences in your relationship with Sofia.
This one is focus during the Claire institute Chapter and it's a remake of Claire Classroom.
In term of content go back to basics with one story that develop in 3 branches depending of your choices will you succumb to Claire or will you show her how to dominate Sofia?
2 Reworked CG with cute panties/ pulls ups and pacifier
Sofia's going back to school sprite now has cute panty (wet) and new expressions.
This chapter for the final version I will work that the choices will be made by the game depending of your Dom score (It's not implemented yet so you can explore the 3 branches)
The 3 branches are not equal and this one is less focus on the baby path since I'm working on it for the stand alone.
You can use the shortcut :
- 1 for new content
- 1 for redo Claire Institute
-1 Redo Yuhi Hotel (I fought it can be great to have a jump on this type of content)