Roman empire.. 20 A.D... very hard times. NO! Not for you! For the slaves! You are a damn Roman! You can do whatever you like. YOU are a god among men! And... men (and women) are here for one reason only. To serve you and other Romans.
New Quests – 2 new quests. Bear in mind they are pretty long (and hard)!
New Slave Missions – 3 new slave missions! (so we have 4 in total now!)
New Feature: Cumming!!! – Finally, we have cumming scenes! With fluid simulation! It's still not perfect and we plan to build upon it and improve a lot, but the base is finally here.
Story Lines – 2 major story-lines continued.
Bug Fixes – Many of the bugs that were brought to our attention are now fixed. We probably also caused some new ones as well (like always ).
Optimization – We started optimizing the game performance. This improved a lot of things but also seem to cause more FPS drop than before, specially on high settings. We will improve as we go, but it should already work a lot better on low spec PCs.
Romius Whipping Club – A fun, new, mini-game we hinted about in the last build
Mini-Map – Pretty self explanatory.. so you guys will stop getting lost
New Environment – You can now explore a whole new environment of a Roman military camp and there, do… what Roman's do!