Cheat Mod
Move with mouse,Strength mini-game,card-game,lock-pick,system option,money
Features:Allows you to move with mouse
easy strength game, the bar wont move
easy card-game, pick all diamond (it has 99 score all sides)
easy lock-picks 100% success rate
System Option:
Auto-Dash switch
Instant Text switch
volume switches
Installation:1. you have to decompile Game.rgss3a (link of decompiler
use the RPG Maker Decrypter.exe).
2.Chose Game.rgss3a in decrypter then chose extract all.
3. In extract folder of decrypter Copy/Cut that extracted files (Data,Images,etc) in Extract folder paste and replace all in Folder where Game.exe is located.
4.Delete File name Game.rgss3a.
5.Run the Game.exe and enjoy
With Picture:Change-Log:v1.2
you will now start with 999... gold and with diamond cards
Added option to add money (In your room upper-left corner there is a star)
Easy typing game just have to type X once
added system option and easy lock-pick
Initial release
Milf's Control by ICSTOR.