Harem Collector is an open-world hentai RPG where you play as a destitute adventurer who is nonetheless convinced that he is the greatest Hero of the land. When an unexpected windfall comes his way, our Hero chooses to seek out his dream- obtaining a harem of 151 slave girls to attend to his every desire (because 151 is a sacred number, of course).
v0.47.4 Return
-A new quest in the Save the Elves plotline, where you once again must uncover the mysteries of the late Count Corgan’s manor. Begin this quest by visiting Meiriona after completing the Dragon Graveyard.
-A number of new sex scenes with updated art, including Chimei’s picnic scene, Meline’s introduction scene, Meline’s footjob, and Meline and Larelle’s blowjob scene.
-New Sex a la Carte for Diadira and Yeon.
-New Vignette for Doll and Elaiya if you’ve heard all their currently existing banters.
-Chimei’s sprite has been updated.
-The “harem” chats can not be toggles between random and a menu in the options.
-A bunch of new harem chats for Bell, Ino, and Lilac at minimum.