picpicpicpiczhila-there was a kind of Mindy ... Well, how did you live? In fact, no longer lived. Well, how in the world? Too already completely not absolutely. In general, there was a death (hell knows where and how) a certain Mindy, who did not remember anything about herself, and did not even know that her name was so long, until our devil was met by the Devil-Jr. and did not bring her current after-death affairs into the course. It turned out that Mindy was no longer anything but a very sarcastic, capricious and pretty pretty sinful soul of a greenish shade that roared right into Hell, which was quite different from the typical and rather boring notions about him. Lil Dee labored for glory and proved to be a much more effective and creative manager than his traditional dad, who is still a champion of pyromania and that's all hell hell. So, now this place can rightly be called Hell City - it is quite possible to get comfortable in it, but for this you need to make some efforts (12 different types of employment, 8 of which are not available immediately and open during the development of the plot or character) and to raise useful skills (12 different characteristics) in order to go up (or down, how to look) along the infernal hierarchy and pay bills. Of course, the specifics of the place could not but impose some imprint on the spheres, ah, the activities available for development in Hell City, but not everything is as bad as it might seem at first glance! The idol of Lil Dee sowed somewhere the Red Sphere of Destination Mindy, and without this Sphere (stupidly the hellish magic ball of sinners, who determines who you are in Hell, what's not clear?) Mindy is virtually free (only within Hell City, of course ) a soul who has carte blanche for self-determination. So, it's up to little - to determine your place in Hell's Eternity! That's what Mindy and I need to help. To do this, the game has a wide range of activities (including the study of dungeons in the number of 3 pieces, the first of which will open after pumping strength and resistance to 15), each of which somehow affects the outcome to which you lead Mindy. These results are 66. Sixty-six. 66 different endings with their full-fledged text hookups and unique animations! The main character can become both a cheaper, serving the homeless for a rest in a cardboard box, and the demonic lady, the manager of Hell City. In the course of the matter, you can even find out who Mindy was before she found herself here and for what, actually, she found herself. And you can not even recognize! Everything depends solely on the actions of the player, his attention to detail and nuances, which are just a hell of a lot! Simply Mindy is in many respects a unique and incredibly variable RPG in all its glory, capable of dragging the player into its insignificant 42.5 megabytes not for one ten hours. Is not this devilry? Bravo, Sexsums!