Urban Demons: Take control of 2 characters, one male, one female, who both have near death experiences in this rpg maker game. However it wasn't a divine miracle that saved them from an early grave, no it was something much more sinister. Now with seemingly new powers, they set out to fulfill their goals of domination. For the male simple domination of the women he lusts over, but for the female domination over her surroundings and eventually revenge upon the bitch who put her in this situation.
Major Changes:
- Brigette now has her long progression dialogue added
- All characters now have their long progression level 5 dialogue added
- New cheats added (old ones removed - see ConsoleCodes.txt in the Help folder)
- Hall of Memories is back (activated from the mirror in Peter's room)
- Ms Amos Journal now active
- Can take and sell pictures again
- The Main journal now has a couple entries (this features generic things unrelated to a specific character)
Bug Fixes:
- fixed a major bug where the animation cache wasn't being cleared after an animation. This eventually caused all future animations to fail (until the game reset) as well as causing performance problems on some PCs
- fixed a critical bug in Sydney's route when replaying the undertable BJ that cuased you to max out her progression
- fixed an issue around the park BJ being based on Brigette's progression instead of Sydneys
- You can only invite Sydney to shower in the afternoon now
- Also under table dinner BJ stops from getting +1 progress when repeated
- Sarah is no longer blocked from texting her to the bathroom (though you have to wait a day after she sees your cock)
- Dizzy's long progression is no longer blocked
- Ms Amos house 2nd floor has blocking walls
- Johnathon no longer appears in the at home BJ during the mornings (when he isn't there!)
- Slightly altered her level 2 purity dialogue in the morning
- Can no longer raise Ms Amos progression above 5 by repeating the night time event over and over again
- Lisa now disappears after giving the in car BJ in the morning
- Kimberly's morning visit now has different dialogue based on level
- Kimberly will no longer always follow you after repeating the park fuck
- Dizzy can now be spoken to on the first day when she is leaving
- Game now properly tracks if the player is a virgin or not