The final part of the fashion, in which the branches of Daphne Greengrass, Zhou Chang / Harry Potter, Phoenix, the school newspaper were finished. All rues have a logical end. Passage is linear, it is enough to buy all new things in the pribludah Dahra. All branches start depending on the "debauchery" of Hermione (the last newspaper starts, starting with the quest for the ball).
The original story remained untouched.
Beginning of new branches:
1. Level of promiscuity Hermione> 6, event with signatures
2. The level of promiscuity of Hermione> 9, comes a letter from the Ministry of Magic
3. The level of debauchery of Hermione> 12, an event with a strange book in an incomprehensible language, you need to talk to Snape in the afternoon
Those who can not understand what to do with Chou Chang after they gave her the potion: after the evening, when he and Harry do not come to your call, ask both of them about it (something like "What is there with Zhou Chang" / "How was your day?"), Then in the moonlit night look into the fire with dust (will be available if you've looked into it for the first time.) If you look at it for the first time, only Hermione will be available.)