A mysterious mist has spread over the plains surrounding the Castle of N'Mar, and the mists carry with them the smell of undeath. The blight grows closer to the Empire's borders with every passing day, and they send an expedition to investigate - with disastrous results. The Empire's remaining forces regroup and devise an alternative plan, this time based on concealment and infiltration.
You assume the role of the Empire's Envoy, secretly serving the Grimoire Council. You must assemble a small strike team to investigate what is happening, and put a stop to whatever evil is lurking within the Castle of N'Mar.
With the help of Karen the Amazon Queen and Apolimesho the Archwizard, you'll need to recruit a team of individuals, united by a common goal, from all corners of Aravorn. Dwarves, elves, amazons, desert nomads, and river nagas can all be persuaded to join you.