Porn Empire is a simulation/management with light RPG elements where you play as an amateur porn producer. Start small, shoot amateur porn and as you progress, you earn more money, buy better equipment, shoot with better girls and expand your empire.
Just a small animations update. Put in the comments if you like it or not.
Added alot of new animations and retouched most of the of the old ones.
v0.71 Changelog
-Backgrounds: Bar, bar toilet and city map.
-Female: New haircuts, outfits and one more eye color(dark brown).
-Male: More eyes.
-ANAL option for every MF position.
-Skill system. Choose from 9 different classes.
-New location: Casting agency. Substitute for placing ads. (Only female models for now. Non-female NPCs can be recruited with the old method.)
-New Attribute: Potential. Serves as a cap (with some tolerance)up to which the girl is trainable. Important stat to have if you wanna level your girl to the final skill.
-Detailed chemistry view for each girl.
-All attributes changed from 30 to 100.
-Chemistry raised to 200 total.
-Scene popularity raised to 1900 total.
-All levels changed from 5 to 10.
-You can now delete male actors.
-Scene tab: Expanded stats IF your PA has report role.
-Scene tab: A list of websites with their sub happiness values at bottom right. So you can quickly see which websites are in need of new videos when publishing.
-You can impregnate special staff members and assistants.
-The more popular the girl is, the smaller the 14 days scene popularity penalty becomes. If a girl's popularity is 100, penalty is halved (so 7 days).
-Girls tab: Second characteristics filter and checkbox to show only pregnant women.
-Staff tab: Job filter.
-Animation changes to flow more naturally unlike the sort of robotic movement that was used up till now.
-You can change costumes and accessories on Girls/Image tab.
-Alice(girl on the beach) can be employed as a PR Manager which will boost your earnings.
PA new role: Marketing. Increase the income you earn from a scene by a small factor. The higher level the PA, the bigger the returns.
-PAs who are assigned with an auto production role will first prioritize actors that are already paid, then all the others and lastly those with popularity penalty.
-PA Auto production: option to prioritize girls with best stats.
-Redesigned a bit the Surgery and Makeover tabs.
-Updated quick guide in the main menu.
-Filtering in PRODUCTION wasn't working right. Some options didn't do anything, like sorting by last published.
-Staff sex skills increase as you train them. Before they were stuck at 1 position forever.
-Overview tab showed wrong number of actresses.
-PAs scheduled girls that were on training.
-Some outfits didn't show the right version when in sex scene (like nurse outfit for example).
-Skiping sex scenes fast causes to stay in pause mode.
-Posting videos on the internet lowered the website happiness
-Devotee class: One of the skills was bugged and crashed the game in some cases.
-Outfits: Maid, nurse and red dress were bugged when you removed top and bottom parts.
-Production: Unable to assign males to the scene.
-Home & production: Stats on special girls were all shown as 0.
-Sports car didn't reduce travel time between locations.
-Skiping sex scenes fast was causing to stay in pause mode.(This time for real).
-Some small optimizations when loading scenes and citymap.
-Alice spawned on the beach even if you already recruit her.
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