Compete with several other contestants to see who can turn all the others into brainless bimbos or sexy sluts first.
Completed all 4 stages of Ashley at the stable
Completed all 3 versions of Ashley's corruption at the stable
Completed all 10 random Ashley encounters
Players will not encounter another contestant on their way to other rooms 40% of the time. This is controlled by a random number generator so sometimes you will encounter other contestants several times in a row.
Retuned difficulty so you have about 22 days to complete the game on average.
Smoothed out Claudia poster scene at high intelligence levels.
Moved return to your room link to the top of available actions after buying an item since that is the action players are most likely to want to take.
Minor text improvements (grammatical fixes, etc.)
Small layout changes to allow faster play and keep more images on the screen.
Other minor layout tweaks.