The story starts off in the world of Runda’almare, where a rift has appeared leading to our world. This isn’t uncommon, however do to what happened the last time a rift appeared, the El’wen (Fae race of Runda’almare) are choosing to be cautious. You take the role of Tabitha, a not so normal Fae, who’s been tasked with scouting the human world, and examining how they have evolved since the last rift. Though something isn’t quite right, and the history books may have been lying about the last human world expedition.V0.12
-Several Bug fixes to all chapters.
-Several renders fixed and cleaned up in chapters 2 and 3.
-Some rewrites to the story in chapters 2 and 3. Very minor.
-9 New full scenes in Chapter 3 (See maybe six per playthrough depending on choices in game.)
-2 New mini scenes in Chapter 3
Lots of long winded conversations…
—Bug Fixes—
-Tossing a dollar on the ground now removes a dollar from Tabitha
-Tabitha can no longer repeat the nude swimming in Vurand over and over
-Becca will no longer mention Tabitha’s cock when Tabitha doesn’t have one
-The first farm hand optional scene will no longer be available after Tabitha’s Awakening
-Reading in Vurand will no longer display the wrong version of Tabitha -Xara’s panties can now be found (On day 2, in the bathroom of Gena’s) -Removed a bad command on the castle door that could cause the game to crash when entering from Almare
-Fixed the end of Risque Modeling showing Shelly’s Avatar when Tabitha is speaking
-Fixed a bad choice option in Risque Modeling that could cause an endless loop animation
-Removed the last sprite I could find of the Groper Guys wife
-Removed a left over Orgasm sound effect from a couple scenes