You are playing as Bethany (which is a direct hint on the Daz3D model, by the way), the mother of Charlie and Eva. Charlie and Eva were pretty close, too close for Beth and Alex, who Beth is married to. So they send Charlie to California, to live with Beth‘s brother Leo. After one year he returns, and the story starts there.
To say it with Beth‘s words: „I thought, if he lives with my brother for a few months, everything will be alright and their feelings would settle. Yeah right... Let's just say they did in a way.“
1. Beth's workday was expanded (more to come with the full release)
2. Night scene with the teased call from the M.E. Sara
3. Scene at night on day 2 with Beth and Alex (will be expanded a bit further)
4. A complete scene with Beth, Charlie and someone else was added on day 3
5. Very short scene with Beth and Izzy on day 4 was added (there's more to come too, but this will be a tough one, because for some reason my GPU doesn't like the scene with three people in it)
6. First flashback was redesigned (Reason for Charlie's sendoff / the following scene where Beth and Charlie talk will be redesigned too)
7. I also implemented the new look for the flashbacks and added an image to the tutorial.
Last but not least:
8. As a test I added some side images, not all of them. Please tell me if you want them to be in the game or if I should delete them.