The game is an sandbox(ish) game in which u play with May. A student in an unnamed city. Overall idea is to create a slow corruption type of game.
A day in game consists of 4 sections:Morning,Afternoon,Evening,Night.
There is about 2 weeks game play in current release depending on your how you play.
This game has been inspired by Valentina Story. Which gave me the inspiration in using Illusion’s SBPR for the pictures in combination with RPGmaker Ace.
This should fix the following bugs:
-You should no longer get stuck at night when the sister training events are triggered and your shame level is too low.
-Picture no longer stays on screen when saying No during the first stage of the 3rd nurse event. (Who does that really?)
-3rd training event should no longer trigger if you don't have the new outfit. Otherwise the game would be stuck.
Short change log:
+240 CG
+4 Animations
+Expanded lifeguard job and added 1 repeatable events to each stage
+Expanded balcony exposure event with 3 stage with the new outfit+ 2 small final events of which one is optional
+ Added 2 events at nurse office
+ Added quest log (Press Q)
+ Added new exposure event (1 Stage only so far)
+ Added new training event. (last one for now)
+ Added Two Events with Daniel
+ Added new sleepwear stage +masturbation stage at home
+ Changed/added breakfast events
+ Added Special Christmas event! Yeah!
+ Bonus Created some Christmas themed Full HD wallpapers! Look in the wallpaper directory!