You play as a guy who lives with his mother, older and younger sister, without a father. About a year ago, he moved with his family to the town of Virgintown, also known as the city of women. At first everything was fine as in any other city, but a month ago the hero starts to notice strange things. People are beginning to change before his eyes, even his family. All the women in the city begin to look at him with hungry eyes. In order to survive, understand what is happening and save his family and city dwellers, the hero must survive and remain ... a virgin, and yes ... the second will be a big problem.
You have to help the hero save the city or ... There can not be any "or". After all, between sex and the salvation of the city you will choose the second, am I right?
Installation and maintenance
In the distribution of three versions: For Win, Mac, Android. Divided into folders, swing the right.1. After arrival in the town.
2. Go to the nearest shop and buy city map.
3. Before go in Downtown you can find in Dormitory district one of the three Wanted notice (Not necessary, but will affect the passage)
4. Go to the office building near Hospital in Downtown. Left Up corner.
5. To see a special dialogue, two people speaking in the right corner! (Little extension of story)
6. Talk with secretary. After that go out from office building.
7. Call Mom. You're looking for a pay phone at the entrance to the office building. If you have not found the right amount of money. To save them choice DevilHeart.
8. Go to first apartment. Right up in the dormitory district. You need 6th floor. Find Mr. King
9. First Battle quest. Room have 5 section (From left to right): bathroom, kitchen, corridor, room1, room2. First you need to push the buttons in room1 and room2 (Main switch have yellow color, so buttons green and red). First (order never mind, but this is optimal), go to room1 push the button in RightUp corner. After that you can find bandages in boxes and in bed. Go to room2. Button in LeftUp corner. Back in room1 and find antidote. Before go on kitchen and use main switch, use antidote on yourself. Spiders not give you EXP. In Prolog, enemy not give you EXP. You will have level up.
10. You need back to Dormitory district. Find Mr. King under bus station.
11. Second Battle quest. Rats can kill you, save the game! Yellow switch on first floor and two buttons. Guess. What colors of buttons is if switch is yellow?) You do not need to fight with rats, but be carefully, some of them can attack you (Aggro radius 3 square). In boxes, you can find bandages. After all is done, go to the yellow switch and then go to basement. In basement, you can find additional bandsages and weapon. Find another switch in the left corner. To defeat the Boss (he protect switch), you need minimum full of HP and two bands, that's why not recommended fight with rats! You need nothing, if Boss kill you, you just start before enter in basement (and get some help). To start trigger Boss HP must be lower than 97% your HP must be lower than 35%. Go to Exit.
12. Fallow to Mr. King. See cut-scene. You can choose a fight or not, but you'll lose in any way. If you hid some money, you lose all money (p. 3 and p. 7).
13. Go to Police. Talk with Officer and do what he will say.
14. Go to weapon shop and talk with seller. If you hid, some money you will have the option to buy some help staff. Do not forget equip them. To do this choice use AngelHeart. Go to construction plant.
15. Last battle quest in Prolog. Save. You need plant 4 bombs and set 6 fire. Dog's aggro radius 4 squares. To 20% 0%. Bandages in boxes, chance 33% or 25%.
16. Back to weapon shop, after talk with the seller go to sleep. In the morning, go up in the morning. When you will be back in your room, which will be the end of the intro.