California Bound is the story of Emily who leaves home after graduating high school and travels to California to chase her dream of becoming a movie star. In this story, your decisions decide what fate is in store for Emily. Will she become a star or something else entirely?
While the overall arc tells the Emily's story with character building, moral arguments, and plot points found in a novel; the game play consists of mini role play elements as you help Emily find a place to live, get a job, make friends, and earn enough money to chase her dreams. While chance has a major effect on your actions, Emily's attributes and skills also greatly effect the outcome of her actions.
Added new location, the underpass homeless camp. It can be found by exploring the city some more.
Added a new character, Zack. He can be found at the homeless camp.
Extended introduction sequence showing a scene with Emily's parents.
Tweaked waitress events to fix the early flirting. A higher level of corruption is now required before Emily automatically flirts.
Bug fixes and spelling corrections.
Background music added to some scenes.