You’ll assume the role of a divorced father who hasn’t seen his daughter in years. Now that she’s 18 years old, she contacts you and tells you that she would like to have a “father-daughter” date with you. You’ll have the chance to get to know your daughter better, build a special relationship and why not, maybe convince her to have more “father-daughter” dates with you in the future
You’ll be making choices between two or more decisions that will negatively or positively affect the outcome of the date and the main story as well.
There are two stats (at the moment) in the game: Friendship and Love. You can see them at the top right corner of the screen.
Every time you make a choice, you’ll win or lose a point (sometimes more than one) depending on the decision you make. For example, if you choose to stare at your daughter’s ass and she catches you, you’ll lose 1 friendship point.
You’ll have to get a certain amount points to advance in the game. If you fail, you’ll have to repeat the date.
There will be secondary characters like your ex-wife, your daughter’s best friend, your coworkers, etc..
CHANGELOG Version:0.11
Fixed some grammar and spelling errors.
– Changed some of the dialogues from the ending of Day 10.
– Added day 11.
– New locations: Self-defense Classroom, 50’s diner.
– Fixed some renders from Day 10
– Added New saving system.
– Added a feature to allow you to change the player and daughter’s name.
Extra Scenes (For $20 patrons):
– Riccardo having sex with Elena (with animation)
– Father massaging daughter’s boobs at the apartment (with animation)
– Father licking daughter’s nipple (with animation)
– Father fingering Elena at the apartment (with animation)
– Father touching Georgina’s boobs (with animation)
– Jennifer masturbating with dildo (with animation)
– Father licking Elena’s pussy at the café (with animation)
– Elena giving a blowjob to Father at the café (with animation)
– Father massaging daughter’s boob at the Self-defense locker room (with animation)
– Father massaging daughter’s boob at the Self-defense locker room (with animation) (topless)
– Father massaging daughter’s boob at the 50’s diner (with animation)
– Father licking daughter’s nipple in the evening (with animation)
– Father massaging daughter’s boob in the evening (nude) (with animation)
– Father playing with daughter’s clit in the evening (nude) (with animation)
– Father pinching daughter’s nipple in the evening (nude) (with animation)
– Father jerking off (with animation)
Extra images:
– Father walking to the shower with daughter holding hands (ass picture)
– Daughter stripping in the evening (close up of her asshole and pussy)