Drake, a unique half-dragon, in an unfortunate combination of circumstances (in which he, of course, was in no way to blame ... well, perhaps a little bit) was deprived of his magical abilities and exiled to the slave lands. Because of the nature of his nature Drake needs regular sex, otherwise he will simply go mad. But in the slave lands there are no women!
The village of a young elf named Xun was destroyed by a certain powerful villain. In the smoke of the fire, the poor woman could only see the silhouette of the scoundrel, but there was no choice, she had to find the guilty person at any cost and make him pay for what he had done. Yes, that's the trouble - a fighter from Sunga no. But there are rumors that in the slave lands, where only the most terrible criminals are being exiled, many excellent soldiers are languishing. Therefore, she runs the risk of going there, hoping to attract one of them to her side ...