Newlife is an erotic text-based lifesim game where you play either as a woman starting a new life in hiding from evil gangsters or as a man who has his gender changed in an improbable lab accident and has to make a new life in a female body.
- Corregido algunos errores-Pam contenido. Mini juego de recreo. Eventos de la búsqueda y del apartamento y sexo interactivo. -Brenda: mini juego de recreo. Eventos de la búsqueda y del apartamento y sexo interactivo.-Rosalva: mini juego de receso, eventos de Apartament y sexo interactivoAlgunas nuevas áreas
The people have the bug in house of Aunt, you have search the snak and you have complete the mision, talk with cat near door of Aunt's house for fix
- Bug fix
- Stress cleaning of interactive animations (some)
- Rosalva has reduced the cost in sex actions at home
- Aunt Maggie has reduced the cost in sex actions at home
- Prima Mindy has reduced the cost in sex actions at home
- Brenda has reduced the cost in sex actions at home
- Jason's Mom has reduced the cost of sex actions at home
- Main Adventure added (continues when nesrot asks to steal Maria's computer, Maria's room)
- Added the four bases of the local mafia.
- Continued adventure of Tyna (you need to enlist a mafia to continue)
-Torneo Internacional de Pussy Fights (Adventure of Tyna)
-Tyna's House Added Eastown
- Amarna House added Commercial Neighborhood
-Full events and interactive sex at Tyna's house
-Full events and interactive sex at Amaria's house
Xtras(incomming, no added):
-Start adventure of Daisy
-Special event in Mecanic Job
-Special Event in Hospital Job
-Threesome with Amaria and Tyna