1. Detailed installation Locale Emulator
1. Unpack Locale Emulator from Dopolnitelnye_resursy;
2. Start LEInstaller.ehe of Locale Emulator folder;
3. Click the Install / Upgrade
4. After the "OK" and enjoy!
1. Click the right button on the exe games
2. vodimsya paragraph Locale Emulator
3. In the pop-up list, select Edit Global Profile List
4. The pop up a warning, click OK
5. In the LEGUI GLOBAL check Check that the top drop-down list is Run is Japanese
6. Click Save and close the window
7. Now, the pop-up list of options appeared Locale Emulator Run is Japanese and Run is Japanese (Admin), we start with one of them!
2. Go to the folder "RTP", right-click the file and choose RPG2000RTP.exe item "Locale Emulator \ Run is Japanese (Admin)":
- You start RTP setting it all the time to press the button (N);
3. Extract the archive "VH_hhhhhh_translated" of distribution in a convenient place for you; (Password: nanako)
4. Go to the folder with the game, right-click the file and select the item RPG_RT.exe "Locale Emulator \ Run is Japanese":
- The game will start, nice game =)