The game takes place "Holy Arcadia" in a privileged Academy, which comes for study protagonist - Takurou Hayami. Previously, it was a school for girls only, but now there are learning and youth, however, the percentage of women is still much higher. The protagonist settles in a dormitory, where his neighbors are charming girls (and how could it be otherwise?). Thus begins his new life, there is a friends and enemies.
Unfortunately, in this paradise has its serpent, whose name Reona Morimoto. The daughter of the rich and influential parents, younger sister academy director, chairman of the student council "St. Arcadia" and a spoiled child. Every day Reona with sadistic pleasure humiliating guys and girls - students of the Academy, some learning is hell, and some of this situation is the other way around, brings pleasure.
Hayami is adjacent to a group of students, who do not like autocracy Morimoto, and this school is demonstrated in the conflict "Active" novel company.