Custom Maid 3D 2 / カスタムメイド3D2
Year of release: 2015
Date of release: 2015/07/24
Genre: 3D, SLG, Constructor, BDSM, Blowjob, Maids, Group
Censorship: To is Absent/eat a patch for removal
Developer/publisher: KISS
Platform: PC/Windows 7/8/8.1/10
Edition type: Original (license)
Tablet: It isn't required
Version: 1.20
Game language: English
Interface language: Japanese / English / Russian
Postscoring language: Japanese
System requirements (minimum):
Video: GeForce GTX 400 or Radeon HD 6000
Description: An interaction simulator with maids.
You are the hero day, was called to the salon "Empire Club" that uncle will serve as the owner.
And it suddenly would be to take over the store what is ...... actually Salon abound problem!
Salon boasted the glory about it by the negligence of the uncle is completely deserted, yet there until the debt settlement !!
Hero Thanks, would have been forced into the situation that must be rebuilt soon salon as possible.
First, hire a maid who had gone to cultivate first-class maid with excellent entertainment and vigil,
And entertained the guests who to visitors, it must take back the way it should before a certain!
Really "Empire Club" is, or will be able to achieve a growth in the best salon again!
主人公はある日、叔父がオーナーを務めるサロン 『エンパイアクラブ』 に呼び出された。
そして、なんと突然店を引き継ぐことになるのだが…… 実はサロンは問題が山積!
叔父の怠慢によりあれほど栄華を誇ったサロンはすっかり寂れ、しかも借金まである始末 !!
果たして『エンパイアクラブ』は、再び最高のサロンに成長を遂げることが出来るのだろうか !?
Insert 1 disk (cm3d2_1.iso). Start installer.exe from under a Japanese locale.

Choose a way and begin installation.

On request of the fitter insert the second disk (cm3d2_1.iso) and press "Repetition".

Game is established.
Now it is necessary to establish cm3d2_up117_x64 from the Official patches folder (cm3d2_up117_x32 for 32 bit systems)

And the last we put Custom Maid 3D 2 HF Patch in a distribution root.