Works of the artist of Steve Hanks
Censorship: No
Genre: Erotica
Permission of pages: from 750*750 to 2500*2500
Number of pages: 57
Format: JPG
Steve Hanks — one of the most famous artists of the present working in equipment a water color. This American artist
for many years I experimented different technicians: I painted in oils and water color paints, I drew in a pencil,
I worked with acrylic paints. Gradually it developed own style which the artist calls
"emotional realism". Most often Hanks writes people, and it not simply portraits, but difficult built compositions,
in which details play large role. Most of critics recognizes Steve Hanks as one of the best modern aquarellists.
Really, many works of the artist so "live" that are reminded by photos, than drawings more.